

Electric Stop Stock Depletion

Replace your old, high maintenance air stock stop with a new high efficiency electronic stock stop.


Lectronic consists of:

A – Control Box
B – Electronic stock stop assembly
C – Permit run box with button
D – Two limit switches
E – Two cams
F – Relay

The Lectronic Advantageimage003

  • No fragile internal components
  • No adjustments
  • O-rings installed
  • Reliable performance
  • Simplified assembly

Electric Pneumatic
Plunger (stronger) Plunger (weaker)
O rings installed to prevent chip build up No O rings
No small internal parts Several small internal parts (susceptible to failure)
No adjustments Stock stop air pressure switch adjusted to read 4 PSI drop at feed out. More or less pressure and system fails to read feed out. Should stock stop assy leak, reading will also be faulty

Mounting Instructions
Electric Stock stop Replaces present stock stop
Control box Mount: rear side of machine, above tooling zone, near main electric box
4 relays Mount: inside main electric box
2 limit switches Mount: stock reel support collar
2 cams Mount: main drum shaft
Solenoid  Mount: rear side of machine, above tooling zone
Reset button Mount: front or rear control station
Knock out cylinder
18H Rod
Filter-Regulator-Lubricator (recommended)

Pneumatic to Electric
Need: Electric stock stop
Control box
1 relay
Re-use: 3 relays
2 limit switches
2 cams
Knock out cylinder
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